Contact Us
You can get immediate information about lists under MGI management by visiting the Datacards tab. Each list datacard also identifies the individual at MGI who can give you personal, in-depth help and attention, from providing counts to processing your list order.
For more general questions, we encourage you to contact our team of list professionals anytime, Monday through Friday, between 8:15 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. ET.
All MGI List team members can be reached at 800.899.4420, or use the direct-dial numbers displayed at left.
MGI Lists is housed within MGI headquarters in Alexandria, Virginia.
Our offices are located at:
625 North Washington Street, Suite 450
Alexandria, VA 22314-1930
MGI Front Desk:
P 703.739.1000
MGI List Division:
P 800.899.4420
F 703.549.0697